Microsoft 70-486 Certification

1 minute read

I’ve got the 70-483: Programming in C# certification several years ago, but I didn’t go further to get more Microsoft certifications then.

As I’ve started this new technical blog, why not to continue the certification path?

So as a fullstack .NET developer, the next certification would be 70-486:Developing ASP.NET MVC Web Applications to become a MCSA (Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate) on Web Applications.

MCSA badge: MCSA

There are some different parts will be evaluated in the 70-486 exam.

Here they are:

  • Design the application architecture (15-20%)
  • Design the build and deployment architecture (10-15%)
  • Design the User Experience (15-20%)
  • Develop the User Experience (15-20%)
  • Troubleshoot and Debug Web Applications (20-25%)
  • Design and Implement Security (15-20%)

You can also find the Reference book for this exam: Exam 70-486 Ref book: Developing ASP.NET MVC Web Applications

SUN Jiangong

SUN Jiangong

A senior .NET engineer, software craftsman. Passionate about new technologies.