How to make benchmark with BenchmarkDotNet?

2 minute read

BenchmarkDotNet is a .NET benchmark tool, developed by Microsoft.

You can install BenchmarkDotNet Nuget package in your project.

Here I will benchmark the same codes in the post CLR Profiler post

String concatenation:

public class StringBenchmark
    public void Build()
        var text = "Hello"; ;
        for (var i = 0; i < 20000; i++)
            text += "World";

StringBuilder appending:

public class StringBuilderBenchmark
    public void Build()
        var builder = new StringBuilder().Append("Hello");
        for (var i = 0; i < 20000; i++)

I want to run 1000 times the code with RunStrategy: CodeStart.

[SimpleJob(RunStrategy.ColdStart, targetCount: 1000)]
public class BenchmarkStringVsStringBuilder
    private readonly StringBenchmark _sb = new StringBenchmark();
    private readonly StringBuilderBenchmark _sbb = new StringBuilderBenchmark();

    public void StringBenchmark() => _sb.Build();

    public void StringBuilderBenchmark() => _sbb.Build();

Run benchmark job:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)

There are 3 run strategies:

Throughput mode: Perfect for microbenchmarking

ColdStart: Perfect for startup time evaluation. A mode without overhead evaluating and warmup, with single invocation.

Monitoring: Perfect for macrobenchmarks without a steady state with high variance. A mode without overhead evaluating, with several target iterations.

The Benchmark result with ColdStart strategy:

IterationCount=1000 RunStrategy=ColdStart

|                 Method |         Mean |       Error |       StdDev |       Median |
|----------------------- |-------------:|------------:|-------------:|-------------:|
|        StringBenchmark | 447,726.2 us | 7,758.70 us | 74,342.43 us | 427,711.8 us |
| StringBuilderBenchmark |     227.4 us |     6.81 us |     65.29 us |     196.6 us |

The Benchmark result with Throughput strategy:

IterationCount=1000 RunStrategy=Throughput

|                 Method |         Mean |       Error |       StdDev |       Median |
|----------------------- |-------------:|------------:|-------------:|-------------:|
|        StringBenchmark | 441,113.3 us | 3,311.90 us | 30,095.62 us | 438,109.2 us |
| StringBuilderBenchmark |     242.8 us |     1.69 us |     15.71 us |     241.6 us |

IterationCount=1000 RunStrategy=Monitoring

|                 Method |         Mean |        Error |        StdDev |       Median |
|----------------------- |-------------:|-------------:|--------------:|-------------:|
|        StringBenchmark | 497,548.0 us | 13,720.76 us | 131,469.69 us | 461,937.8 us |
| StringBuilderBenchmark |     203.1 us |      4.55 us |      43.55 us |     180.6 us |

See more about BenchmarkDotNet

SUN Jiangong

SUN Jiangong

A senior .NET engineer, software craftsman. Passionate about new technologies.